
Is Futurebrand the ConAgra of the design world?

So, I have been in denial for nearly 4 years. I have been ignoring the new UPS logo and mentally replacing it with Paul Rand's masterpiece. I don't think I am ready to face this newer *camel of a logo. (I snatched the image on the left here.)

I love change. I thrive on change. But change for change's sake? (insert raspberry noise here)

I do have an interesting idea for redesigns of major brand logos. In order to receive a new “improved” mark, you have to have a documented 80% - 100% customer satisfaction rating. Of course, then who would Futurebrand design for then?

Have I mentioned that I love the Fedex logo? (If you are the last, and I mean last, person on earth who doesn't know, look at the arrow created by the e and x — in the negative space). Thanks, Mr. Leader.

* based on the ol' saying that a camel is a horse designed by committee.

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